
Current Projects

Long Range Transportation Plan

The MPO, in cooperation with the State, is responsible for developing and updating an MPO Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Updates are required every five years.  The LRTP will include both long-range and short-range strategies/actions that lead to the development of an integrated multimodal transportation system to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in
addressing current and future transportation demands. The LRTP will also update the Casper Area MPO Travel Demand Model.

Click here for the project web site

Casper Area Transit Fare Study

The Casper Area Transit Fare Study will provide a fare rate model to the MPO and
Casper Area Transit. This model will examine the effects of fares, including a no cost option, cost recovery and ridership. The purpose of the study is to give decision makers tools and information on how possible increases and decreases to the fare structure will impact the transit system.

Awarded to Nelson/Nygaard.

Western Gateway Corridor Study- Phase 2

As the largest urban area in the central part of the State, the Casper Urban Area, serves as the principle retail, service, medical, transportation, and wholesale center for Wyoming.  Additionally, the area’s production history and central location has made it the regional support center for Wyoming’s energy industries (coal, gas, oil, and wind farms). The purpose of the study is to create a comprehensive corridor improvement plan along Highway 20-26, from the First Street bridge over the North Platte River in Casper to the West Belt Loop in the City of Mills, that reflects the latest trends in transportation safety, traffic flow, landscape design, multi-modal facilities, and structural enhancements. Additionally, the plan will draft recommendations for design of an upgraded and welcoming corridor that highlights unique and special recreational, business, and residential opportunities available in the greater Casper area and creates an entryway into downtown Casper. The plan will include an operational and safety analysis of the corridor including; signal warrants, intersection improvements, streetscape lighting design, storm-water improvements, islands and medians, barriers, curb and gutter, additional aesthetic improvements, gateway monuments, and transit options along the corridor. The final plan will, using the MPO’s 2020 Wayfinding Master Plan as a foundation, develop a cohesive and welcoming corridor plan that welcomes visitors to the Casper area and highlights the characteristics and local environment that make Casper unique. 

This project has been awarded to CEPI of Casper, Wyoming. 


Contact Information:

Casper Area MPO

200 North David Street

Room 203.

Casper, WY 82601


Office Hours:

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Monday through Friday


(307) 235-8255 (office)

(307) 235-8362 (fax)



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