The Community Development Department (CDD) consists of 7 divisions with 47 employees.  CDD facilitates the development of Casper from the conceptual (Planning) stage, through construction (Building/Inspection).  The Code Enforcement Division insures the health and safety of our residents by compelling ongoing property maintenance. Transportation planning and public transportation are handled by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Transit Divisions respectively, both being largely supported (financially) by Federal funding.  The Housing and Community Development (H&CD) Division focuses on housing assistance and affordable housing issues, while the Urban Renewal Division's priority is to support the downtown redevelopment area known as the Old Yellowstone District. 

Contact Information

Liz Becher, Community Development Director
Casper City Hall
200 N David, Rm 103
Casper, WY 82601

8 AM to 5 PM
Monday – Friday, except holidays