City of Casper Water Utility

                             Customer Care is our #1 Priority!

Quick Link to our Online Payment Portal

The City of Casper bills for water, sewer, and sanitation services. For questions concerning your City of Casper bill, feel free to email us at [email protected]
or call 307-235-8400 option 2.


You are welcome to mail your payment to:
City of Casper
P.O. BOX 11000
Casper, Wyoming 82602-3900

or visit one of the following locations:

  • Drop Box located at City Hall - 200 N. David (S parking lot entrance)

                - these payments are processed daily.

  • Finance Customer Service at City Hall 200 N David Street.
    •   Hours of Operation        M-W & FRI  8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

                        TH  9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Payment Programs

 There are several programs available to provide citizens convenience in paying their utility payment.


ACH Direct Withdrawal from Customer's personal bank account

Consider having your monthly utility payment automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account on a recurring basis.

  • No checks to write.
  • No due dates to remember.
  • No remittance to mail.
  • Extend vacations without worry of paying utility bill late.
  • No waiting in line to pay.
  • No credit or debit card fees.

Click here to - Enroll in EasyPay Now

EasyPay Enrollment Steps

  1. Click the 'Enroll in EasyPay Now' button directly above.
  2. Print out the form and complete with the appropriate information.
  3. Attach a voided check from the account you wish to have funds withdrawn.
  4. Return the completed Authorization Form and Voided Check to the Utility Billing Office in City Hall.



Check your balance for FREE by calling  1-888-757-9544. Make a payment by phone for $1.50 additional charge. Please have your account number handy. CC Fees will apply. 

City of Casper Utilities
200 N David Street
307-235-8400 (Opt.2)

Quick Links:

Hydrant Meter Readings

Billing Cycles and Deadlines