Smoke Detectors are proven to Save Lives!
Working smoke detectors in your home will help alert occupants in the event of a fire and the need to evacuate.
Frequently Asked Questions-
How many smoke detectors do I need?
Typically, one smoke detector in each sleeping area and one in any gathering areas, hallways or stair cases of the home.

How should smoke detectors be installed?
On the wall near the ceiling or on the ceiling avoiding the 4-6’” where the ceiling a wall meet. This area traps air and it takes much longer for smoke to displace the clean trapped air.

How often do I need to replace the batteries?
Casper Fire EMS encourages the residents of Casper to change the batteries twice a year (typically when you change clocks for daylight savings) or use a smoke detector with a lifetime 10-year battery.
What is the life span of a smoke detector?
All smoke detectors have 10-year life span and should be replaced at the end of their life cycle. Smoke detectors that are powered by and linked together through the home’s 120-volt wiring should be replaced by a licensed electrician.
Does the Casper Fire Department provide free smoke detectors?
Casper Fire and EMS provides smoke detectors through cooperative agreements with national service organizations such as the Red Cross, Rotary International, etc. and though the generosity of corporate donations. This program is at no cost to the citizens of Casper and is in place to provide free smoke detectors for the at risk, elderly and fixed or lower income residents within our community.
Smoke detector questions and installations or battery changes can be scheduled by contacting the Community Risk Reduction Division at 307-235-8222 or by directly contacting your neighborhood fire station.