As of Tuesday, August 17, Casper area residents and businesses may begin to water lawns again without restrictions.
After nearly a month of water restrictions, the Central Wyoming Regional Water Treatment Facility has received enough treatment chemical to resume normal use. The City of Casper would once again like to thank all those who responded to the urgent need to conserve treated water for drinking and household purposes. While the plant has received several shipments, following conservation tips such as sweeping sidewalks, fixing leaks, watering during the cooler morning and evening hours, and not allowing water to run down streets or sidewalks is still recommended
The Central Wyoming Regional Water Treatment Facility serves the following areas: City of Casper, Mile-Hi Improvement District, Salt Creek JPB (Midwest & Edgerton), Wardwell Water & Sewer District (Wardwell & Bar Nunn), Pioneer Water & Sewer District, Poison Spider Improvement District, 33 Mile Road Improvement & Service District, Sandy Lake Estate Improvement District, and Lakeview Improvement & Service District.
The conservation requests were linked to an equipment failure at a major water treatment chemical manufacturing plant. The chemical in short supply is used to treat the surface water drawn from the North Platte River. The Central Wyoming Regional Water System has two sources of water ‐ groundwater and the North Platte River. During the summer months, 70% of the water produced is drawn from the North Platte River with the remaining 30% provided by the ground water source. Groundwater is pumped from the North Platte River alluvial aquifer via 29 wells.
Water conservation practices from landscaping experts include:
- Hand water flowers and gardens during cooler hours. Refrain from watering from 10 am to 5 pm. Watering during cooler hours means that you will lose less water to evaporation and more of it will go to the plants.
- For trees, water with a hose and move the hose slowly around the trunk. New trees should be watered 2-3 times per week and established trees watered 2-3 times per month. For more information, see this pdf guide on Tree and shrub care during a drought.
- Use a hose nozzle with an automatic shut off when washing vehicles
- Use a broom rather than water to clean hard surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways