
Governing Documents

MPO Governing Documents

Annual Report FY 2024

Long Range Transportation Plan 2020: Connecting Crossroads (LRTP)

The LRTP is is a guiding document for transportation investments throughout the Casper Area for the next three decades. The plan is an update of the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) that was published in July 2014 for the Casper Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The Casper MPO includes the City of Casper, Towns of Bar Nunn, Evansville, and Mills, and portions of Natrona County. The plan identifies transportation projects, programs, and policies that improve transportation options for people of all ages and abilities based on documented community values and available financial resources.

FY25 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), FY25 Budget Amendment
UPWP Approval Letter

The objective of the UPWP is to provide local officials and participating agencies with a method of ensuring that local and federal transportation planning resources are allocated in accordance with established governmental policies. It also provides a tool for the financial management of the programs undertaken by the MPO. The UPWP is prepared annually and describes the work activities which will be undertaken by the MPO of the Casper Area.

FY24 - FY27 Casper Area MPO Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program

FY24 - FY27 Casper Area MPO Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Amendment

Regulations established by FHWA and FTA require that all urbanized areas develop a Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) in order to avoid duplication planning and funding.  Development of the MTIP is a prerequisite to receiving federal funds. The MPO is required to update the MTIP every four years. The MTIP was developed through committee work with input from citizens, local organizations, municipalities, and the state, via the Casper MPO.  The document lists projects which citizens and committee members have prioritized for construction or administration during the next three years.

MPO Master Agreement

The Master Agreement is the legal document designating the roles and responsibilities of each agency in the MPO.

MPO Public Participation Plan & Quick Guide

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) is an adopted  document of the Casper Area MPO to ensure broad public involvement during the development, review and implementation of regional transportation projects 
and programs. The plan identifies the goals and federal requirements that need to be addressed throughout the public participation process. It is a roadmap for Casper Area MPO staff, committees, partners and consultants to use to ensure the Casper Area MPO is meeting its Public Participation Goals. 

Title VI Program 2019

Statement of Rights
Title VI Complaint Form
Non-Discrimination Statement
Discrimination Complaint Process

The City of Casper is a designated recipient of Federal Transportation Assistance from the Department of Transportation. As a designated recipient, the City of Casper is required to  update their Title VI program every three (3) years. Title VI requires every designated recipient of federal funding to have a program in place to address Civil Rights complaints, to ensure that every contract funded by federal monies contains language that provides for Title VI adherence, to address Limited English Proficiency in the community through a written program, and to notify the public of their rights under Title VI. the Title VI Program is required per the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) FY 20-22 Program

The DBE program is designed to enable small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to compete for federally-funded contracts let by State and local transportation agencies the receive funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).  In accordance with requirements of the DOT as set forth in 49 C.F.R. Part 27, as amended, the overall goal for Fiscal Years 2020-2022 is 0.5% for each fiscal year.  Information pertaining to this goal and a description of how it was selected is available by clicking on the link above or at the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Casper City Hall, 200 North David Street Room 203, Casper, Wyoming, 82601.


Contact Information:

Casper Area MPO

200 North David Street

Room 203.

Casper, WY 82601


Office Hours:

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Monday through Friday


(307) 235-8255 (office)

(307) 235-8362 (fax)



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Title VI Notice